Gallery 4 -  Surrey Bat Group at Work

        Gallery 1 - Some Bats living in Surrey
Gallery 2 - Traditional Roosting Places
        Gallery 3 - Artificial Roosting Places

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The Group has installed several hundred bat boxes at sites all over Surrey. Some of the boxes are built by members to approved patterns
Photo: © Surrey Bat Group



Rescuing bats found by the general public is an important part of our work.


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Checking boxes regularly helps us monitor the bat  population and species distribution, as well as giving us a feel for the relative merits of different types of box
Photo: © Surrey Bat Group



Hibernation sites are also checked as part of our monitoring programme 
Photo: © Surrey Bat Group
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raise awareness, generate goodwill
Photo: © Surrey Bat Group


Securing derelict roost sites and making them safe sometimes involves heavy work. 
Photo: © Surrey Bat Group
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The group is happy to consider requests for surveys to establish which bat species occupy a building or woodland, for example. However, this does not include surveys to support planning applications or major repairs: for advice on this see our Bats and Planning pages.
Photo: © Surrey Bat Group

Photo: © Surrey Bat Group 
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mapping.jpg (40161 bytes) POPULATION STUDIES AND MAPPING
Photo: © Surrey Bat Group

'Clover' - a serotine bat - is anaesthesised prior to surgery after a near fatal cat attack
Photo: © Surrey Bat Group 

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Photo: © Surrey Bat Group



IMPORTANT: Copyright exists for all images on this web site. They may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners.

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